For years various television shows from "The Biggest Loser" to healthy eating shows on the Food Network, the silver screen has been trying to make viewers healthier. However, it is possible that no new show has gone as far as ABC's Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution," which premiered this season.
According to his Web site, Oliver is trying to ensure that everyone, especially children, has access to healthy, wholesome, filling, and delicious fresh food. With over 130,000 people having already signed his petition, he doesn't seem to be alone in this quest.
One of Oliver's main goals is to revamp the school lunch problem by intervening into local cafeterias. He strives to create nutritionally significant meals that fall well within the state mandated budget.
Oliver focuses on areas where not only food is lacking, but also proper food education. Kids that he has worked with are not able to identify vegetables from fruits. As with many cooking professionals, effective education about healthy eating is crucial to living fit lives.
Maybe if Oliver would direct the kids to this blog, we'd have some healthier kids in America!
Enjoy this clip from a previous episode of Food Revolution.
A new exit evaluation about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution just came out via
Do you agree with these results? I guess we'll have to wait until the end of the season to make our own informed opinions about the reality TV experiment.
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